28 Jun 2011

estivaLugano: Gruppo Mandolinistico Gandria

The "Gruppo Mandolinistico Gandria" performed a beautiful concert of a wide variety of musical pieces in Piazza San Carlo in Lugano on Tuesday. Most enjoyable.

From the progamme:
Concert of the Gandria Mandolin Group, founded in 1976 with the intention of diffusing the mandolin tradition. The repertoire includes original pieces for pizzicato and classical pieces.

25 Jun 2011

estivaLugano 2011: Rancho Folclórico Regiões de Portugual

The Portuguese folkloristic group Rancho Folclórico Regiões de Portugual gave an open-air performance in Lugano tonight as part of the estivaLugano cultural events offered free of charge by the city of Lugano.

22 Jun 2011

Concert in Lugano: Maristella Patuzzi

On Sunday evening I went to the violin concert at the Lugano Conservatory of Music. Of the three pieces performed by Maristella Patuzzi, I liked the the  String Quintet in C major by F. Schubert best.